Monday, July 28, 2014

Downward dog

While I have never attended a class, I have always been a fan of yoga pants (on certain people - not myself). Anyway, I wandered into my first yoga class yesterday morning. We were a few minutes late, thankfully she took the spot at the front of the class and I found a spot on the periphery. I had some trouble hearing the instructor, so I stole glances at my neighbors to figure out what to do. There was the downward dog, sleeping baby and many others. Actually, I do a few of the poses/moves/whatever a few times a week as they are part of a regiment for keeping the pelvis aligned. The yoga hour passed quickly, it was not as demanding as expected - or have been told. I am not even sure it was beneficial, so many rave about it. Maybe I need to tackle a more advanced class? Maybe I need to continue before passing judgement (that'd be a first)? Continuing the exercise theme, the pull-up bar is mounted - wow, I am worse than expected. I did a few reps, five each time, but - just like I thought - my upper body is way behind the lower. Anyway, all this crossfit nonsense these days - I should start a class in my garage with the jump rope, the hanging rope, pull up bar, mat for pushups and all that jazz along with boxes for jumping up and down.

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