Thursday, February 13, 2014


You ever have one of those days? Or weeks? I'm not sure if it was the whole thing with the teenager, but my mood has been shitty - kind of looking for a fight. A friend did something yesterday that pushed me over the edge, and I lost it. I guess we all reach the point where we've had or hear enough of a certain subject. While the friend's action was questionable, it wasn't the end of the world. Thankfully, this is a person I can actually tell how I feel and we move forward - apology accepted. Unfortunately, the anger was still present this morning as a weird argument erupted at the office. It isn't newsworthy, but here are the last few lines...

"Well, get it working." She said (with an attitude)
"Yeah, like I've been sitting here doing nothing. Thanks for that revelation."
"Look, I had to deal with [husband] all morning, so .." she tries to gain ground with sympathy.
"Nobody told you to get married, that's your mistake not mine."

At this point in the game, she quickly turned to face me and I actually thought she was going to swing at me. I braced myself as the sanity returned to her face and she shot me the finger and walked away. Really, I think a fight would have been good for both of us.

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