Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Random thoughts ...

  • Everybody on stage for the Tea Party GOP debate seemed a bit off - nobody left me with a good feeling.
  • Cell phones are both the worst and best inventions ever. Yes, it is great to be able to reach out to another person wherever and whenever, but that doesn't mean you have to pull it out in a crowded elevator and loudly tell your spouse your location and when you'll be home. Really, that couldn't wait 2 minutes until alone outside that glass/steel cylinder? And, do you have to instantly grab your cell phone the minute the plane lands and call whomever and tell them "yeah, we landed" and then continue with an inane conversation about your boring day? That couldn't wait 10 minutes until you are walking to baggage claim? It seems like cell phones magnify the rudeness and self-absorbed nature of most people.
  • 9/11/01 was one of the worst days for this country, but I am so sick of hearing about it. Yes, I lived through it thousands of miles away, but I actually worked a couple blocks from the towers only a year prior to the incident so I did know people who perished, and I vividly remember flying to Boston through NYC two weeks after the tragedy and the eery silence of the mostly empty airport. Anyway, can we tone it down with the extensive/repeated coverage of it? I'm not insensitive, but it is depressing and mind numbing to go over it repeatedly. By the way, do not express this attitude publicly, let's say in a bar, as you'll be soundly called not-so-nice names and un-American.
  • I just spent three days in Milwaukee and I was surprised at how much I liked the city. Upon reflection, I realized I didn't have an opinion or any thoughts of the city before landing there. If you're ever there, check out Boswell Book Company if you are a reader, great place and staff. Also, the kite festival on the waterfront was a pleasant surprise - I hadn't thought of kites since my boy was little. One last note, Miller Park has the best selection of stadium food that I've ever seen - no kidding, it was the best hot dog I've ever eaten. 
  • I've had a string of really good days (in terms of mood), so I'm on guard for the gray clouds to return although I probably won't see it coming before it is too late.

1 comment:

C Lo said...

* cell phones - SERIOUSLY
* 9/11 - SERIOUSLY

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