Wednesday, October 9, 2013


“Why are you here?” The TV picture went blank as she dropped the remote on a pile of clothes next to the bed. She turned toward him, propping her head up with her arm.The green eyes gazed at him, awaiting an answer.

“What do you mean? I think you know why I am here.” He hated to say what he wanted, and did not feel like expressing the many emotions following this afternoon’s doctor visit.

“No, Why are you here now, after so long? I mean shouldn’t you be at home?”

“You asked me over and I am here, why did you ask?”

“Do you ever answer a question? You’re always so vague. If you’re not here, then where are you?”

“What? Are you now a philosopher?” He pushed a pillow against the headboard and stretched out. Desire was slowly seeping from his system. He started to wonder to himself why he was there, such stupid conversations were popular at home.

“No, where does she think you are if you are not at home, at one in the morning?” She turned and double-checked herself against the old-fashioned alarm clock while grabbing a bottle of water and taking a long drink.

“My job beckons me at all hours of the day, and night.” He wanted to end the line of questioning. He wondered about Sportscenter and the game.

“How convenient, you want a drink?” She held the translucent blue bottle of water out in his direction.

“No, is that the same bottle from a couple years ago?” The thought of drinking after her turned his stomach. He had a keen eye for detail, remembering a similar bottle during his last visit.

“Don’t be silly. So, where are you supposed to be tonight?”

“Right here.” A sardonic smile appeared as she averted his eyes.

“With me? Would he like that?”

“He wouldn’t be too thrilled.” She gave in quickly, too quickly for him. She reached behind without turning and the room went dark.They lay facing each other, silent except for breathing. The metal headboard rattled as she turned to him, her hand on the back of his neck. He pulled her closer, until they were inches apart and they kissed. This was what he loved and missed. Nobody could ever match her kisses. Like high school teenagers in the backseat, when kissing wasn’t a precursor but an event of its own.

The hair on his neck rose as her tongue explored his ears, neck and returned to meet his lips. She scrambled on top of him.Clothes were quickly discarded and he knew there would be trouble. The extensive questioning was exhausting. She lay on her back as he explored the vaguely familiar body. His hand danced down her stomach finding the familiar warmth and disappearing. He was surprised by the smoothness, wondering when she had started shaving, or waxing given the texture. Her legs spread and his index finger danced on and around the target. Her breathing quickened as he circled. He focused on the target and her back arched.

“I want you to cum for me.” He whispered before kissing her. Her hand clenched his shoulder, she let out a soft whimper and her body buckled. He increased the size of the circles as she relaxed, immediately wanting to wash his hands.

“What do you want me to do?” She caressed him with her left hand while whispering in his ear. The thought of a blow job briefly flashed in his mind, but then he didn’t feel like going through the motions. He knew asking her to turn on the television and hand him the remote was not acceptable, but he just said nothing and held her.He gently slid from the bed as soft snoring filled the room. The bathroom light slapped him as he stood relieving himself.

He returned the seat to the lower position and flushed while examining the various product tubes and bottles – wondering which belonging to her boyfriend.The water ran hot as he scrubbed the hands – checking the smell of his left index finger every few seconds. Her strong aroma had not changed; he found peroxide and alcohol and doused the hand. Finally, he dried and noticed the missing closet door before extinguishing the light.

Roaming around a dark house is a challenge when it is your own, but it is implausible when everything is foreign. He stood silently in the bathroom doorway, waiting for his eyes to adjust. He identified things with his night vision and cursed when a wrong turn left him standing naked in a foreign living room. He stayed a minute to examine the large plasma TV, wondering how she could afford it. A slow backtrack led him to the bedroom. He stood and traced the outline of her pale body, amazed that she had not changed after two years. He approached and slowly found his clothes on the floor – thankfully they hadn’t been thrown in a fit of passion – that only happened in the movies.

A hand on his wrist startled him as he tried to suppress a scream. She wanted him to stay a little longer so he joined her, gently rubbing her back. An orgasm now sounded like great medicine for his nerves, but he knew she was in no condition to return the favor. He stared at the clock, promising himself to stay another ten minutes.

“What’s wrong?” She mumbled as he stood dressing.

“Nothing, I just need to get home, can’t stay out all night.” He wanted to run not daring to tell her that an empty house actually awaited – the family gone for the weekend.

“Yeah, I know, let me walk you out.”“That’s okay, I can find my own way, you should rest.” He wanted no part of extending this visit.

“I have to lock the door.” She said while smiling and grabbing his hand, leading him through the now familiar living room and to the front door.

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later, get some sleep.” He resisted the urge to ask about the missing closet door. Instead, planting a kiss on her forehead.

Rain greeted him as he slowly maneuvered the slippery driveway. He stiffened as his right foot slid across the mud covered sidewalk. A silent thrill filled him, excitement at avoiding a fall. He surveyed the houses, wondering if anybody had seen.The hunger was overwhelming as he steered his sports car along the shiny interstate. The many available late night eateries were avoided. He sat on his couch, eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and watching Sportscenter, thinking about her nice television while his old unit blared.

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