Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Idle climbing

The first step is the hardest, whether it is an actual step or speaking up or just doing something to reach whatever goal is in your mind/heart. I feel like I am wasting away in a management position at a huge corporation. It pays well and I keep getting promoted. The funny thing is (or maybe not so) is I don't feel like I do anything each day. Is that management? Sure, I deal with people, make decisions, attend meetings, develop plans, and yadda yadda ya - wait, I think that is management. The end of each day feels like a failure as I have a hard time answering the simple "what did you accomplish today?" question. Is it easy for you to answer that? I have a blue collar background (well, my family) and I am used to producing or creating something - even if it is crap or doesn't work. I want to produce something tangible - something I can see, feel or show; something I can return to the next day and continue working or start something new. I just got a promotion - I now have something like forty people reporting to me. My word to them (not directly but insinuated) is do your job and leave me alone - basically, the less I hear from them, the better. People think I am laid back and just go with the flow, but really I just don't care. Then, I start to wonder when others will realize that I am not really doing a good job. And then, I kind of realize they are doing the same thing. This is why shows like The Office and movies like Office Space and the Dilbert cartoon are so freaking popular - because they are so honest and real. How do these big companies make so much money when they are so inefficient? I bet working for the government is even worse. The bad part about getting promotions and more money is it makes it so hard to leave as you get used to being able to pay your bills and buy "stuff" for yourself and family. Anyway, I am rambling, but I met with a few folks today and am starting a side project that I hope will launch my grand exit from the tragic comedy called Corporate America. 

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