Sunday, February 3, 2013

Stop using them

The throbbing in my hands became too much to bear, so there I sat in the bright white, antiseptic waiting room. The crackling of the parchment paper echoed as I adjusted my posture. I checked the time on the wall with my cell phone - yes, I had sat there for ten minutes. Why do they make appointments when they are never on time? A gentle knock on the door startles me, I straighten up while dropping the phone in my pocket. She quickly introduces herself as Dr. [Insert Name] - an extended hand while reading the contents of the chart. Shouldn't she have read it before entering? Can she give me her full attention? Quickly she gets to the point "So, why are you here?" I want to ask her the same thing, but I opt for a rundown of the ailment.

"My hands, my hands are swollen, I feel them throb as I lie in bed at night, the left is worse than the right." I stick my hands out in front of me, turning then as i speak, the swelling in the knuckles cannot be ignored. She glides toward me on the metal stool - she grabs my hands and closely examines them. She asks when it started (a year ago), asks if I've done anything to them (just normal daily living) and slumps back and looks me in the eyes. I explain the x-ray at the orthopedic doctor when I hurt my knee - I had asked him to examine my hands. She turns to her monitor and types frantically - I can't help bet wonder if she just typed "swollen hands, joints" in Google. Next, she examines the result of my blood work and vitals.

"I don't see any problems." This is followed by extensive arthritis questions and discussion. I explain the orthopedic doctor ordered the rheumatory test - negative.

"My best suggestion is to use your hands less. Do you do a lot of work with your hands?" She asks me with, what it seems like, contempt in her voice. She has obviously lost interest.

"Seriously? You suggest I use my hands less?" I can't stop thinking masturbation needs to stop, not sure that is possible. Everything past this comment is lost, I realize it was useless as well as a waste of money to visit her. I pay my bill and quickly exit, irritated by the whole experience.

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