Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stay on topic

The author - David Plouffe - was supposed to discuss his book "The Audacity to Win" which offers a peek inside Obama's historic run for president as Plouffe served as the campaign manager. It started well as he discussed why he joined the campaign and the uphill battle and then talked about the actually writing (hey, this was the author's forum after all), but then it abruptly turned into an Obama/Democratic rally. Really? I mean really? This isn't what was advertised. My favorite comment by Plouffe is his assertion that the "other side" (aka Republicans) is always negative and then he followed this by bashing the Republicans. Really, each side always thinks they are the best. Well, I won't be reading or purchasing his book anytime soon, but I'm sure he won't notice. Oh, one last comment came from a person in the audience who found it necessary to tell everybody that it is "President Obama" and NOT just plain old "Obama" like it was a sin or something - I mean nobody ever complained about people saying just plain old Bush or Clinton. It was funny as the people on stage kept saying "Obama" the rest of the evening.

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